There are currently eight registered clinical trials enrolling patients with Stargardt disease all in phase I or II aiming at four mechanisms of action: Genetics and molecular pathology of Stargardt -like macular degeneration. It is characterised by the appearance of drusen in the macula, accompanied by choroidal neovascularisation CNV or geographic atrophy. Patients selected for the study presented no history of HCQ use. Estudo macular na doença de Stargardt Macula study in Stargardt’s disease Presentación de tres casos de distrofia macular de North Carolina Presentation. anágenos frouxos associada á distrofia macular – Descrição de uma família. Congenital hypotrichosis and Stargardt macular dystrophy are rare autosomal. A doença de Stargardt é uma rara distrofia macular de início precoce que afeta progressivamente a acuidade visual central.